ipostparcels.com Case Study - Ebay Trader
Customer Background:
Michael Baron has been an eBay trader for the last six months, selling second hand goods including items such as kitchen appliances. Michael understood that in order to be recognised on eBay he needed to get positive ratings to build his reputation and customer loyalty.
The Parcel Delivery Requirement:
In order to achieve high ratings delivery of goods was a determining factor. Initially Michael was using an alternative carrier for his deliveries. He would drop off the parcels to the depot and they would be forwarded on for delivery to his recipients. However due to deliveries not arriving on time Michael was left with numerous negative feedback from customers which was affecting his sales, to the extent that he had to change his business name on eBay and start afresh. As well as the negative feedback, Michael found the carrier to be expensive as well as time consuming as he had to drop the parcels off to them.
The Courier Solution:
Michael came across ipostparcels.com through online eBay advertising and decided to do a quick quote and was pleasantly surprised by the price and the convenience of having his parcels collected from him. He was able to use the eBay link to pull through his orders which saved him more time and could easily add on extras such as insurance for high value items, timed collections and even Saturday deliveries, which in turn gave Michael’s customers more options to choose from.
The Results:
The service is fully tracked so Michael was able to easily respond to customer queries regarding their parcels. With the added convenience of having the parcels collected from him, Michael was able to save time and focus on raising his business profile. The delivery driver always comes on time to collect the parcels from Michael, which ensures onwards delivery to his customer will also be on time. The ease of use of the website and ordering process helped smooth out all the bumps and made it simple for Michael to use.
Customer Quote:
"Since using ipostparcels.com I have seen my eBay ratings go up and have received a lot of positive feedback due to the reliability of my deliveries. I have peace of mind knowing my parcels are being delivered by a reputable company and there is no middle party involved. ipostparcels.com is a great service for small businesses who don’t send enough parcels to open up an account but do send out regularly. Using this service has been very cost effective for me; it’s the cheapest next day courier I could find. Whenever I have had a problem, the customer service team have been great and were able to rectify any issues. I would definitely recommend using ipostparcels.com; its good value for money and convenient."