Hello there! It’s Parcel Pete with you today, just thought I’d give you a little catch up of what I’ve been up to recently. On Saturday 14th September I attended The Henry Allen Appeal charity ball in Milton Keynes and what a fab night it was!
The Henry Allen Appeal:
4 year old Henry Allen is fighting against high risk Neuroblastoma, a form of cancer. As treatment in the UK is limited an appeal has been set up for him to raise the £500,000 needed to send him abroad, so far the appeal has raised over £80,000 since being set up in February.
The Charity Ball:
The Charity Ball, organised by Lisa Forrest and assisted by UK Mail employee and appeal team member Emma Boulton, has been 5 months in the making. On the night we had live music from local artists Nicky Prince and her band Soul Selecta & Katie Buckhaven, who was discovered by Michael Parkinson, raffle and silent auction with prestigious prizes. There was also an in house photographer on the night taking my snaps with guests. Local radio station MKFM was also there on the night to support the event.
Funds Raised:
We had a fantastic night; I boogied away with great people and enjoyed a slap up meal. In total the appeal raised £3397, to which ipostparcels.com’s parent company UK Mail, donated an extra £1100 taking the final amount to £4497! A brilliant achievement all round!

Parcel Pete turned the ripe old age of 2 on August 9th which of course called for a celebration and some fun for all!
To help celebrate his Birthday, UK Mail and ipostparcels.com staff all got involved in a nationwide Bake Off.
Bake Sale:
We had cakes galore across the UK and they were all sold to help raise some much needed funds for The NSPCC.
We have raised nearly £600 which is a fantastic amount for our charity The NSPCC. The money raised will of course help The NSPCC continue with their great work they do to support and protect our children.
Check out the pictures from Parcel Pete’s Birthday Bake Off on our Facebook page.
Thank you:
We’d also like to take this opportunity to thank you our loyal and valued customer; for your continued support in helping ipostparcels.com grow bigger and better.
Here’s to another successful year ahead!
Hi there! It’s Parcel Pete; it’s been a while since I last updated you on what I’ve been up to. I’ve been working alongside my fellow ipostparcels.com colleagues for some fantastic charitable causes.
Summer Fete
So I first went to Bracknell to a fantastic summer fete hosted by Sandy Lane Primary School in order to help them raise money so they could make improvements to their middle playground by adding benches, play equipment and toys to enhance the children’s break and lunchtimes.
It was a great day and the weather held out, they had all sorts of fun activities such as apple bobbing, coconut shy, bouncy castle, football and hook a duck, a police car for the children to sit in, along with a host of cake stalls. It was truly a day to remember as children and parents came together to enjoy the anticipated event.
We raised £5k and UK Mail; our parent company, also donated an extra £1100 taking the final total to £6100!
Midnight Walk
I also had a bit of a late one the other night as I was taking part in a midnight walk for The Hospice of St Francis, a great charity that provides professional support and care for people with terminal illness.
There was a sea of pink walking a good 11 miles; I even donned the pink t-shirt! It was a brilliant excuse for a night out with friends also a fab way to get fit and raise money for such a worthy cause.
You can check out all my pictures from my latest charity on the ipostparcels.com Facebook page.
Now that I’ve recovered from all that fun, I’m back on the road collecting and delivering your parcels!
Hi! It’s Parcel Pete here, just giving you an update on what I’ve been up to recently as side from delivering your parcels. On Wednesday 10th April I went to visit The NSPCC, who are UK Mail’s and ipostparcels.com’s chosen charity.
NSPCC & ipostparcels.com:
As you may know ipostparcels.com is part of the UK Mail group who are one the largest mail, parcels and logistics company in the UK. As part of the group, last year we chose the NSPCC as our charity to support further in its quest to end cruelty to children. The charity also provides ChildLine and a national helpline so that any worried or concerned child or adult can call anytime for help or advice.
The NSPCC has been able to help more than 10 million children in the UK since it was founded in 1880, and as it is funded primarily by public donations, it can direct resources to where it believes the need is greatest.
Special Delivery:
Throughout the year my ipostparcels.com team and UK Mail staff have been raising money for the NSPCC through a variety of activities as well as dress down days and payroll lottery. So on Wednesday I went down to the NSPCC’s office in Birmingham to make a special delivery. In total we donated a staggering £35,300! We hope this goes a long way to help and support the great work the charity has been doing.
You can check out the picture of me handing the cheque over to the NSPCC on our Facebook page.
BBC Children in Need appeal takes place every year in November and this year it’s taking place on Friday 16th November. Parcel Pete has travelled up to our Newcastle depot to take part in some charity fundraising. Keep a close eye on the ipostparcels.com Facebook page for the pictures, coming soon!
History of Children in Need:
Since 1980the charity has raised over £600 million to change the lives of disadvantaged children and young people in the UK.
Pudsey Bear made his television debut in 1985 when Terry Wogan introduced the new, brown cuddly mascot to the audience designed by a BBC graphic designer who named him after the village she was born in.
Pudsey proved very popular and returned as BBC Children in Need's official logo with his design amended to that of a yellow bear with a red spotted bandage.
Appeal Night:
Every year the BBC host a fun filled appeal night with celebrities and local communities all taking part in various activities for the worthy cause. This year Parcel Pete decided to stop off at Newcastle to help with a spot of fundraising whilst on his parcel delivery route. The ipostparcels.com team can’t wait to see what he got up to and will be uploading some pictures very soon!
Hi Everyone,
Hope you’re having a good week so far. As usual I’ve been up and down the country from one postcode to another with parcel deliveries. However on Sunday 10th June I decided to get my running shoes on and raise money for charity by taking part in The Great Midlands Fun Run.
The Great Midlands Fun Run is an 8.5 mile course but it’s not a race and anyone and everyone can take part. I was raising money for The Birmingham Children’s Hospital and to raise that little bit extra me and my friends carried a bath tub the whole way so supporters could throw in some extra money whilst on route.
It was a great day with a fantastic turnout, I managed to finish the run (bath in tow) in 2 hours and 11 minutes, just take a look at some of the pictures:
No rest for the wicked though, I’m back out on the road making my next day deliveries and collecting parcels from your homes and places of work. Don’t forget you can also save £1.00 by dropping your parcels at one of our local depots.
With the weather the way it is and forecasts predicting even more downpour in the days to come we’re all looking for alternative things to do to keep us busy and out of the blistering winds and torrential rain.
Traditionally spring cleaning is carried out on the first few days of Spring when the warm rays of sunshine break through the winter gloom that our minds turn to the cleaning up of the effects of the winter storms and the short dull days. Or is it? As soon as we get a bit of sun we can’t think of anything better to do than getting out the house and enjoying the Spring warmth.
Here at ipostparcels.com we think now is an ideal opportunity to tackle those lofts and garages piling up with ‘junk’ as well as getting the curtains down for a good wash and a bit of polish on that silverware. What better way to pass those dull boring showers that are set for the coming weekend!
So get your rubber gloves and bin liners at the ready to dust and de-clutter your homes. And you never know, whilst you’re de-cluttering you may come across some things that could be worth selling on eBay, you know what they say, one man’s trash is another man’s treasure. Some items may not be worth selling so why not donate to your local charity shop. Not only will ipostparcels.com be able to take this unwanted clutter from you, we’ll also save you a few penny’s by giving you an extra 10% off just use the voucher code SPRING04.
Don’t forget if you do decide to sell or donate some of your findings from your spring clean, you don’t even need to step out the house to send, we’ll get Parcel Pete to come out straight to you to collect your parcel and deliver it the next day. Bonus, with weather like this!