Getting to grips with cyber security
The costs of cyber crime
Types of cyber threat
Types of malware
Security software
Using the cloud
Protecting customers' personal data
Bring your own device (BYOD)
The human element
Testing your security
Cyber security is hugely important for businesses and concerns should not be limited to e-commerce businesses alone. Every company that connects to the web, sends emails or stores information electronically could potentially be a victim of cyber crime. This ebook will help explain different types of cyber threats and ways to combat it.
First few lines:
The internet has changed the way the world does business. It’s estimated that e-commerce accounted for nearly 6% of the total global retail market last year, with a massive $1.316 trillion (£850 billion) being spent online. By 2018 this figure is forecast to almost double to $2.489 trillion (£1.61 billion). 1 The vast markets of China and the US lead the way in terms of sales volumes but UK shoppers spend more online per capita than consumers anywhere else in the world.
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