Car-dboard conundrum

To the untrained eye this cardboard Fiat 500 by artist Chris Gilmour looks good enough to drive. However, on closer inspection fans of all things four wheels may notice a thing or two missing from this life size creation - a working engine and roadworthy tyres to name just two.

Picture credit: Marco de Palma

A commanding design

This cardboard tanker is unlikely to win any wars, but what it lacks in armoured steel it certainly makes up for in people power. Here it’s charging its way through Scotland, despite officials giving the soapbox race in Arthur's Seat the red light.


Picture credit: Andrew Girdwood

A blast from the past!

Mark W. Crowel’s handiwork brings the joy of classic cars to the masses thanks to his talent for turning cardboard into cars. Though the models are no longer on sale, the miniature beauties can still be viewed online in a number of locations such as here.


Picture credit: Mark W.Crowel

The reel deal

What is a toddler to do when the local picture house has failed to screen a U rated movie for months on end? The answer is take matters into their own hands and create a drive-in cinema using nothing more than cardboard boxes, a few plates and film projector!


Picture credit:Allen County (IN) Public library

First to the finish line!

Provided your imagination is in good working order stepping behind the wheel of this cardboard Indy 500 race car could help you speed your way to the finish line. Alternatively, if your mind is firmly bent towards logic then it will offer the perfect distraction for the little ones come the half term break.